Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Take me out

Last Saturday we took a trip down to Portland to see the minor-league team, The Portland Sea Dogs. They're the minor league affiliate of the Boston RedSox. It was fun, mostly because my group decided to (aggressively) support the away team (we're all New Yorkers...).

After some children gave us the stink-eye and Linnea was called, "potty-mouth" we slumped into a hot-dog and beer-induced coma, eventually leaving at the 7th inning stretch. (The away team won, by the way. I'm saying it was in no small part thanks to us.)

This week has been busy - hence my lack of updates. I've been working away at the song cycle, getting mired in some text that moves more quickly than I'm used to (from image to image). It's fun, but I don't think I have these next two songs down yet. I've handed the first two over to the singer for the next session of the festival, which begins Monday. Hopefully at least some of the songs will make their way into performance.

Tonight there is going to be a bit of a sight-reading party. Players here are great and I think my quartet might even get a read-through. Also, if we do the reading somewhere with a piano I might fake through the Schubert's "Trout Quintet", which would be great.

More soon...

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